
Overview for bidi

The bidi package provides a common system for components to get and respond to change in the application's LTR/RTL layout direction.

When including the CDK's BidiModule, components can inject Directionality to get the current text direction (RTL or LTR);

@Component({ ... })
export class MyWidget implements OnDestroy {

  /** Whether the widget is in RTL mode or not. */
  private isRtl: boolean;

  /** Subscription to the Directionality change EventEmitter. */
  private _dirChangeSubscription = Subscription.EMPTY;

  constructor(dir: Directionality) {
    this.isRtl = dir.value === 'rtl';

    this._dirChangeSubscription = dir.change.subscribe(() => {

  ngOnDestroy() {

The BidiModule also includes a directive that matches any elements with a dir attribute. This directive has the same API as Directionality and provides itself as Directionality. By doing this, any component that injects Directionality will get the closest ancestor layout direction context.

The CDK also supports the native auto value for the dir attribute, however there's a difference in how it is interpreted. Some parts of the CDK, like overlays and keyboard navigation, need to know if the element is in an RTL or LTR layout in order to work correctly. For performance reasons, we resolve the auto value by looking at the browser's language (navigator.language) and matching it against a set of known RTL locales. This differs from the way the browser handles it, which is based on the text content of the element.