
Overview for collections

The collections package provides a set of utilities for managing collections.

SelectionModel is a utility for powering selection of one or more options from a list. This model is used in components such as the selection list, table selections and chip lists.

const model = new SelectionModel(
  true,   // multiple selection or not
  [2,1,3] // initial selected values

// select a value;
console.log(model.selected.length) //->  4

// deselect a value
console.log(model.selected.length) //->  3

// toggle a value
console.log(model.selected.length) //->  4

// check for selection
console.log(model.isSelected(4)) //-> true

// sort the selections
console.log(model.sort()) //-> [1,2,3,4]

// listen for changes
model.changed.subscribe(s => console.log(s));
Indigo & Pink theme selected.