Slide toggle

Overview for slide-toggle

<mat-slide-toggle> is an on/off control that can be toggled via clicking.

Basic slide-toggles

The slide-toggle behaves similarly to a checkbox, though it does not support an indeterminate state like <mat-checkbox>.

The slide-toggle label is provided as the content to the <mat-slide-toggle> element.

If you don't want the label to appear next to the slide-toggle, you can use aria-label or aria-labelledby to specify an appropriate label.

<mat-slide-toggle> is compatible with @angular/forms and supports both FormsModule and ReactiveFormsModule.

The color of a <mat-slide-toggle> can be changed by using the color property. By default, slide-toggles use the theme's accent color. This can be changed to 'primary' or 'warn'.

MatSlideToggle uses an internal <button role="switch"> to provide an accessible experience. This internal button receives focus and is automatically labelled by the text content of the <mat-slide-toggle> element. Avoid adding other interactive controls into the content of <mat-slide-toggle>, as this degrades the experience for users of assistive technology.

Always provide an accessible label via aria-label or aria-labelledby for toggles without descriptive text content. For dynamic labels, MatSlideToggle provides input properties for binding aria-label and aria-labelledby. This means that you should not use the attr. prefix when binding these properties, as demonstrated below.

<mat-slide-toggle [aria-label]="isSubscribedToEmailsMessage">
Indigo & Pink theme selected.